Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Final in-progress

This is my final project in-progress.  I got a lot of feedback in class yesterday about it.  I think I'm going to have to reshoot a lot more figures.  I need to be less tense and more "flowy".  The figure is too stressed in the second image, which isn't what I want.  I want the imagery to flow and seem connected.  I still am really liking the process though.  I have been in my darkroom a lot lately making prints, so it's nice to be doing that again.  And working with multimedia again is always fun.  It's been a while, so I'm glad I decided to try my hand at it again.  I think the oil pastels really help with the dreamlike qualities of the imagery.  The first image I used OHP, but the blue cast isn't working so well.  So the second image is on transparency film and it works much better.  Now I just need to have the figure more like the one in the first image and I'll be set.  Only 2 more weeks until my final!  I've got a lot of work to do!

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